Monthly Archives: August 2013

Secrets & Miranda: A sense of proportion is needed

  I have written before   ( – much to the shock of some of my friends and even close relatives – why I don’t subscribe to the conspiracy theory that the US-led  Big Brother intelligence community now controls the exercise of our freedoms to the extent that we must all live in fear of these being taken from us. The public at large and  most journalists-and I include myself and those at the Guardian- are not in a position to necessarily judge with any degree of certainty whether the release …

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Sitges es y debe seguir siendo un pueblo tolerante

  Desde Londres, donde aguardo unas vacaciones tardías en mi casa de Sitges en pocos días, leo que se ha generado cierta controversia  entre políticos municipales la decisión del CiU  con el apoyo del CUP de quitar el nombre de Espanya a una plaza del pueblo. Los que han objetado formalmente  son los concejales del PP, pero sería absurdo e injusto dejar que este tema fuese monopolizado por los nacionalismos de un lado o el otro. Para mi, el  tener una casa en Sitges es tener el gran privilegio de …

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Time for reason to prevail over Gibraltar

  It was the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges who once likened his country and the UK staging war  over the Falklands islands to two bald men fighting over a comb. One would hope and I expect  the current dispute between Spain and the UK over Gibraltar  will stop well short of war, but the current escalation shows the extent to which politics can play fast and loose with reason , particularly when it comes to the excuse of an unresolved sovereignty dispute.The future, as currently played out in  London …

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