Monthly Archives: November 2013

¿Qué puede aprender España de los Británicos?

  ¿Qué puede  aprender  España de los Británicos? Pues, en el tema de cómo manejar una reivindicación democrática, bastante. En lo que va  de la semana, Alex Salmond ha llevado el debate sobre el independismo escoces a un nivel mayor  al publicar un detallado programa al que ya han respondido los que piensan que la separación del Reino Unido es una locura economía y política. En los medios ‘serios’ británicos-entre ellos el Financial Times-se analizan los argumentos  pros y en contra con objetividad. Los que se oponen—eso  alianza entre conservadores, …

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Barca: When the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater

  Johan Cruyff may have been forgiven for permitting himself a chuckle, while watching Barca lose to Ajax in Amsterdam on Tuesday night- but I suspect he was as saddened by the visitors as he was encouraged by the courage and dedication of some of the home team. Not known for his modesty, Johan has felt estranged from FC Barcelona for some time, abdicating the role of honorary VIP rather than endorse with his presence in the Nou Camp the presidency of Sandro Rosell. Behind the clash of egos has …

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My Catholic family

    The Vatican has launched a worldwide survey to find out what Catholics really think about its teaching on marriage and family life, the BBC reports…Pope Francis is calling bishops to Rome next October to discuss possible reform that considers modern social realities. This survey has been badly organised by the Vatican civil service- haphazard distribution, and couched in ecclesiastical language that risks being lost on ordinary souls. But it remains a rare democratic exercise involving the Catholic faithful worldwide. It has got me thinking about my faith and …

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