Monthly Archives: May 2014

Catalonia: A story foretold

  Catalonia increasingly is taking on the aspect of a story foretold. The huge turn out last summer- a peaceful human protest chain stretching across the region- on Catalonia’s national day, and this week the emergence of the pro-independence republican party Esquerra as the most voted Catalan party in the European elections , were predictable developments given the Madrid PP government’s utter inability to address the Catalan nationalist question with any sense of statesmanship. Now three days of rioting in Barcelona, while seemingly motivated by neighborhood concerns, represents the kind …

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El buen fútbol , el Papa Francisco y Dios

  El autor Vargas Llosa hace algunos años escribió que un partido de fútbol carecía de las cualidades estéticas de una pieza clásica de la música , sobre todo en lo que afecta a la inteligencia , la imaginación , el corazón y el alma. Como amante de la buena música y el buen fútbol se me ocurren  sinfonías y canciones cuyo eco en mi subconsciente me traen lágrimas de alegría o tristeza , y algo mas inexplicable,  así como partidos memorables,  no porque mi equipo ganó , pero porque …

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On Football, Pope Francis & God

  The author Vargas Llosa some years back wrote that a football match lacked the enduring uplifting, aesthetic qualities of a classical piece of music, not least in what affects intellect, imagination, heart and soul. As a music lover and football fan I can think of symphonies and songs whose echo in my subconscious bring me to tears of joy or sadness, as well as matches memorable not because my team won, but because I saw football played nobly and creatively, turned into art form-poetry in motion- and because of …

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