Carta a Pep

28 de Mayo 2011   For the attention of Pep Guardiola, FC Barcelona   Querido Pep, Te escribo como autor, cule (nacido en Madrid de padre escoces y madre Castellana), y Londinense para expresar mi profundo agradecimiento por la gran ilusión y alegría que tu y tus jugadores habeis inspirado en el Barca, profundizando en una gran tradición de humanidad y buen futbol. Anoche estuve en una cena en un hotel de la capital ingles organizada por la Penya del Londres al cual pertenezco. Había cules de toda la peninsula …

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Thanks, Bob Dylan

As I read my newspaper over the breakfast table this morning, one news item more than  any other today brought instant stirrings of nostalgia, faith , and mortality: Bob Dylan is 70. Thanks to Bob, I invested in my first guitar, wrote my first poem, busked as a student, turned socialist in my Christianity, romanced my first girl-friend and now wife, and kept believing in the benevolent artistic creativity of mankind, under God. His music drew from primitive roots, his words from the dramatic landscape of history and its mystical …

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Wembley Bound

Less than a week to go before the Champions League  final at Wembley, and my nerves are already on edge, tension rising. I am assured of a ticket, but I am also seriously contemplating asking for help from a neighbour who is a hypnotherapist. This  is a match I’m reluctant to predict the outcome of. My heart sees a Barca victory, but my head throbs with the fear that Ferguson might just clinch it. The more I think of it though, the less does the last encounter in Rome strike …

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Vicente Del Bosque: A Spaniard for all seasons

It was the poet Antonio Machado who many years ago, meditating on the events surrounding the Spanish Civil War, talked of the propensity of Spaniards to fight each other in word and deed. It was his country’s tragedy-this lack of a common narrative, of mutual respect- what he called the ‘two Spains’. I’ve been between Barcelona and Madrid in recent days, following the rivalry between the country’s two biggest clubs descend to one of its most aggressive and abusive periods in its history. In part both sides share some of …

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El Beso y El Balcon

  Al final de un mañana cuando la boda real había navegado en perfecto equilibrio entre la tradición y la modernidad, fue este el momento del símbolo definidor. A la 1.26 hora local, bajo la mira de miles allí congregados y millones más mirándoles alrededor del mundo, William  y Kate se dieron el beso, desde un balcón de palacio pero con la espontaneadad de cualquier pareja de enamorados recién casados. Fue un ingles Wiliam Shakespeare que creo le escena de balcón tal vez mas romántica y tragicómica   en la imaginación …

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A Clasico without Mourinho

A technical hitch so this updated blog I wrote from Madrid has arrived somewhat  belatedly.  I watched the second leg of the Champions Leaguue semi-final tie in a bar in Mostoles, a sprawling satellite town south west of Madrid.I was not the only journalist here. A crew from Spanish TV had beaten me to it- and I could see why they had chosen this godForsaken neighbourhood, of all places, to find ‘atmosphere’. The bar has a reputation as a rather convivial lion´s den. It is shared by a local FC …

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Football’s Agent Provocateur

This was a drama of violence and beauty, played on and off the pitch. The machine-gunned post-match allegations that scattered from the Mourinho’s mouth were not just the latest in an enduring campaign of assault on FC Barcelona’s integrity; it was a rallying call for hooligans. This is a man that from his days at Chelsea has dismissed every victory against him by Barca as the result of play acting and weak refereeing. But last night Mourinho’s surpassed himself by questioning Barca’s achievements under Pep Guardiola and implying that it’s …

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Kate o Catherine

Según fuentes del Palacio de Buckingham, Kate Middleton ha tenido  su primer desacuerdo con el Príncipe Charles, precisamente sobre el asunto de su nombre. A Charles, nunca le ha gustado los nombres diminutivos, ya que les parece de poca clase y populistas. Nunca le ha agradado el hecho de que su primera mujer fue universalmente reconocida como Lady Di– y no Diana- y lo de Kate le suena a presentadora del tiempo. En cambio Kate insiste que quiere llamarse Kate y no Catherine- rompiendo así con otro legado de la …

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Classical encounters Round 2 (Part 2)

Five months is evidently a long-time in La Liga. Those of us who watched FC Barcelona’s 5-0 victory over Real Madrid last November could be forgiven for wondering last night at the Mestalla whether it had really just been an illusion. Let’s be blunt. The Barca that played the first half of the King’s Cup put on probably one of the worst exhibitions under Pep Guardiola’s governance since his infamous first league match as boss when they lost against Hercules. This was a team that seemed to have lost the …

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Classicals encounters:Round 2 (Part One)

I went to bed with two competing chants ringing in my ear – one “Asi Asi gana el Madrid”,the other “Madrid, Madrid, Madrid.” From a radical Barca perspective, FC Barcelona was robbed of victory at the Bernabeu by two failed referee decisions: a refusal to give a penalty when Villa was taken down early on in the match, and his willingness to give one when Marcelo dived. From a radical Madridista  perspective,  the penalty scored by Ronaldo was not only justified (if unfairly lacking a red  card) but just recompense …

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