Tag Archives: #FT

Stonyhurst Memories

Stonyhurst Memories by Jimmy Burns   Here follows some further Stonyhurst memories of my own prompted by my contemporary John Mulholland and his thoughtful memoir Ferulas and Thuribles– “Although we were all in it together, each individual journey was different.”     World Cup 1966 -my first year at Stonyhurst.   As I write in one of my football books , La Premier League ( published last year in Spanish , English version  due out towards  the end of this year)  I was  in London and recall going to the  Royal …

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The Post, the FT, and turning 65

As birthday presents go, I couldn’t have asked for a more timely and worthwhile one than a visit to my favourite London cinema the Clapham Picture House, ‘en famille’ to watch The Post. At one level it was a trip down memory lane , to my rights of passage in journalism, reporting to  newsroom bosses (always male) in  rolled up sleeves, and feeling part of an enterprise that began immersed in  typewriter clatter and reels of telex tape, messenger boys running to deliver urgent copy before proceeding to  Linotype machines, …

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